What are their Hours of work?

9am to 6pm AEST with 1 hour lunch. This is 7am to 4pm Philippine time. In daylight saving, they work 6am to 3pm to remain 9-6pm AEST.

What are their Duties?

You may train them to do anything that would help your practice. See our "72 Ways We Help" for some ideas.

How do they liaise with your practice?

We have a communication system set up based on chat messages, voice messages, video calls and task management. We provide training on how to communicate efficiently with your team. 

How many staff is the optimum in the Philippines?

I have 5 full time staff for my practice who support my 2 full time equivalent staff in Melbourne. I would recommend starting with one staff member. Over time, they will become more busy as they learn to do more and more tasks for you. Once they are busy, there is scope to employ further people. All the subsequent hires are easier as your first secretary can help train the new ones. 

 What is your turnover of staff?

Jolanie was my first employee in the Philippines in 2019 and she still works with me and is my most experienced secretary. My other 4 current staff have worked with me for between 6 months and 3 years. Being an Air Secretary is a highly sort after and well payed job for people in the Philippines. In general they are very loyal people. 

How would they handle a different practice management system?

I have used Clinic to Cloud and Genie. We have clients who also use Gentu and Xestro. There are many similarities between the theses platforms. We will provide training on practice management systems which can be adapted to any practice management system. Specific training on your own system may be provided by your team as you would with any new staff member. 

What do they sound like on the phone?

Filipinos speak very good English as they all learn English throughout school. Many of their previous jobs will have been in English. It is their second language though and they do have an accent. English and communication skills are one of the most important aspects we look for in our interview and selection process. 

How do you manage holidays for staff?

Air Secretaries have 2 weeks annual leave which starts to accrue after 6 months. If there is an interruption to your secretary's work, we will try and provide cover to help complete their tasks to maintain continuity of service

Air Secretaries take our Australian public holidays as a day off and are paid for them. We pay them double-time for Filipino public holidays but these are work days unless the public holiday has particular family or cultural significance for them. This is a very good perk to the job for the Filipinos. 

Which program do you use for telehealth and how do you bill for telehealth consults?

We use Zoom and utilise the breakout room as a virtual secretarial office. This way, our secretary in the Philippines can manage the telehealth clinic patients for investigations, appointments, organising procedures and billing